Dexter Sinister
Just-In-Time Workshop & Occasional Bookstore
38 Ludlow Street (Basement South)
New York, New York 10002
Tel +1 213 235 6296 / +1 917 741 8949
* Internet Book Shop
Dexter Sinister is
Monday through Friday, 12–6pm. Or stop by, there is often someone down here.
1 January 1970 /
Library /
Once it's Typed it's Published
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Once it's Typed it's Published
By John Chris Jones
the story of my writings from 1950 to 1979
and attempts at publishing
in microfiche and xerox
with a catalog of texts
and details of where and how to get them
Download the PDF here.
Posted 30 July 2008 13:28:29
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