
by Lucy McKenzie

Published by Revolver Books. See http://www.revolver-books.de

Document of a show at the NAK Neuer Aachener Kunstverein in 2003, with various objects in a box, and a booklet edited by Susanne Titz with an essay by Neil Mulholland and a text taken from a British design magazine.

The name Brian Eno conjures up many connotations, and can be read as an emblem of sorts for dialogues around avantgarde ideas, and an assimilation of these ideas into mainstream culture. 'Brian Eno' employs this reference to the musician and producer as a further dimension of the overall flat literalism employed by the visual elements of which it is constituted. Wilfully intended to be so, the mural installation, neon and drawings turned into posters and a paper model of the exhibition within this boxed publication, have their amateur "cottage industry" quality accentuated by their proximity to the professional, international intellectualism associated with Brian Eno.


Posted 3 February 2007 14:15:06


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