Please come to
Dexter Sinister
38 Ludlow Street (between Hester and Grand)
this coming Saturday night, September 4 at 7pm
to mark the re-opening of our bookstore under regular Fall hours (Saturdays 12 to 6pm) and to launch two publications and an exhibition.
Larissa Harris, curator of
THE CURSE OF BIGNESS at Queens Museum of Art, will lead a gallery tour through a scale model of
THE PLASTIC ARTS, a show based on A Note on the Type from the previously mentioned exhibition book and organized by Anthony Elms at University of Illinois Chicago opening two days later which includes a grey painting made sometime previous by Philomene Pirecki that frames the cover of the
20th and final issue of DOT DOT DOT, in which DDD tries -- finally -- to be as direct as possible about what it's come to stand for and what it thinks it's gonna do about it.
In parallel we will present Samuel Madden's MEMOIRS OF THE 20TH CENTURY, re-released by
Halmos (Erik Wysocan, New York) with an outroduction by Liam Gillick orginally published in 1999 titled Prevision. Should the Future Help the Past? Whiskey and water will be served.
The currents, once in, must find their way out. . . . .